Quality Control

As an SSPC QP3 certified paint applicator you can rest assured that our testing processes and equipment are audited on an annual basis, and meet or exceed the SSPC requirements for quality control. All projects come complete with QC documentation.
The standard package contains blast, coatings products and applications, and dry film thickness readings, including environmental. Additional testing is available upon request, examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Dust Testing per ISO 8502-3
  • Adhesion Pull Test per ASTM D4541
  • Adhesion Cross Hatch per ASTM D3359
  • Low / High Voltage Holiday Testing per NACE SPO188, ASTM D5162
  • Shore D Hardness per ASTM D2240
  • The list continues according to your particular requirements!

We utilize and have capabilities for:

  • Mil testing
  • Holiday testing
  • Blast Profile Testing
  • Shop environmental to include temperatures and dew points
  • Surface temperatures
  • Adhesion testing
  • Chloride/Salt testing